
Friday, October 21, 2011

This week in science...

   This week in science we conducted another plant investigation, and also learned more about the many variables that impact the investigation. We continued to observe how two out of three of the cups react to an environment without any sunlight. Since they are fast growing plants they continue to grow uniquely but are slowly dying due to lack of sunlight. They grow uniquely compared to the one plant that we put in sunlight because these plants have grown yellow petals and white stems. We also studied how to write a very descriptive procedure so that anyone no matter who they are would be able to read it.
    I learned that a procedure needs to be accurate and descriptive in order to fully grasp the concept of what your trying show. While learning how to write a procedure, Jamie played the role of someone who needed to hear step-by-step instructions in order to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. So that experience was fun and educational and I enjoyed what happened this week in science.

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