
Friday, April 20, 2012

This week in science #11


           This week in science I helped my teammates take pictures and find things to put in our tank in the park. We found things like rocks, sticks, branches, worms, and leaves. We found that these things make up a park. The many things that make up an ecosystem. Later on in the week I annotated a document for my group and found that each living thing is contacted to one another. Whatever a squirrel leaves behind the birds come and pick it up. We noticed this when we were taking pictures of the things we can find in a park ecosystem. We each had our own taks later in the week; splitting up the work among each other. 

          I learned that different ecosystems are made up of different things. For example a park ecosystem would have leaves, bushes, trees, sticks, and lots of insects and plenty of sun. After we had the trip to the park we started setting up our spider tank. While doing this we learned that by putting plants and leaves in the tank it gives off oxygen to the spider. This was a fun experience learning about ecosystems again. 

A flower resembling a  park ecosystem

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